Friday, July 16, 2004

Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Workplace ESL Programs
Project in Adult Immigrant Education (PAIE)
National Center for ESL Literacy Education (NCLE)

by Allene Guss Grognet
Center for Applied Linguistics

Any employment-related English as a second language (ESL) program, whether conducted on the job or as pre-employment training, is a result of five interrelated steps:
Conducting a needs analysis of the language and culture needed to perform successfully in a specific workplace or occupation. The needs analysis leads to the development of objectives for the program.

Developing a curriculum, based on the objectives, that identifies tasks and skills for verbal interaction on the job, and tasks and skills for reading and writing on the job. The curriculum should also prioritize these tasks and skills.

Planning instruction by gathering text material and realia, determining classroom activities, and identifying opportunities for learners to put their skills in practice outside the classroom.

Determining instructional strategies that include a variety of activities that focus on the objectives, keep the class learner-centered, and include as much paired and group work as possible. Strategies for assessment should also be determined when planning instruction.

Evaluating the program on both a formative and summative basis.

These steps are discussed below from the point of view of what the educator needs to consider in plann"


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