Friday, July 16, 2004

: "Features of academic writing
The emphasis in academic writing is on facts and interpretation of the facts. These should be presented in a logical way using an academic writing style.
Some Academic Writing Tips
Use straightforward language.
Take care with grammar and sentence construction. Avoid using a note-style of writing.
Try not to use pompous language.
For example: use 'find out' rather than 'endeavour to ascertain' - try not to use jargon or clich?s
Provide definitions.
Include explanations of technical or unusual terms, unless you can reasonably expect your reader to know them.
Use impersonal language.
Essays and reports should be written in the third person singular. Avoid personal terms such as 'I' or 'We'; the word 'It' should be used instead:
For example:
'I decided to interview the Tourism Planning Officer...' should read
'It was decided to interview the Tourism Planning Officer...'
The only exceptions to this convention may be where you are asked to link theory to your own professional practice.
Be precise.
Avoid using terms that lack a precise meaning such as 'nice', 'good' or 'excellent'. One person's idea of what is meant by 'good' is not necessarily another's.
Be concise and to the point.
For example: Use 'Now' or 'Currently' instead of phrases like 'At the time of writing' or 'At this point in time'.
Try not to make generalizations.
For example: 'Everyone agrees that"


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